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Hi, I am an actress, born on May 12th in 1994 Slovakia. I studied performing arts at The Church Conservatory in Bratislava (2009-2015). 


During the school I had been attending auditions to many series and films, eventually some of them were successful and I got a chance to play in some well known TV series (Kolonáda I- II, Četníci z Luhačovic) even while still studying.


Shortly after school I got to more interesting projects in Slovakia (Fašiangy) or Czech republic (Špunti na vodě), later even co-production with Ukraine (The Slavs) or Austria (Maria Theresa III).


Hiding behind the voice only, I was doing dubbing, too. However, not that I wouldn't like theatre, we just didn’t find the way to each other, yet. Instead, I proudly work in a lovely cafe of my friend (@pasteleria.bratislava) and serve customers cakes and coffee  with my smile on when there’s no filming.


As I wanted to improve my eastern European English accent, I spent some time abroad and attended an English course in London to get more English accent. Which sometimes surprises foreigners coming to the cafe. I hope there’s gonna be a chance to show  in a film some time, too!


Passionate about creating things with my bare hands, I fell in love with sewing and created my own brand for handmade pouches (@jana_kvantik).

I also love to take care of my plants. Repotting them it's the most interesting time of the year!


In my free time I like to climb with my friends, dance Hustle, learn new roller skate tricks, swim alone in a pool or do a yoga. Or just cycle on my own at my beloved bike through the streets of Bratislava. So when you meet me, feel free to shout at me!

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